“The Learning Opportunity…”


The learning opportunity…

It’s always hidden, it’s favorite theme is masquerade… it is dishonest, malicious and mean… if you go to that idea first….  or it’s a silent soul,  riddled with humble pie.  The learning opportunity is a tricky one.   It’s prickly, heavy and it challenges your true desire to rise above it.   It can change something about you and evolve you to a wiser version of your “self”… or…. it can destroy something within you with impact…. and sadly for many it’ll make them that way forever.

My daughter and her friend were teasing a couple of kids at school …. normal elementary school drama.   Apparently one of the kids put their hands on another one’s throat… “apparently”….  There was a lot of anger within the parents,  which is to be expected.  A parent’s protective heart is understandable…  To be honest when I heard about it I had to compose myself for a second, but through the web of emotions, I was not blinded by the part my daughter took in this matter.  And whether or not she is wrong or right the situation is blatantly her learning opportunity… the hardest one to be that it takes a whole lot of courage to forgive those who aren’t even sorry.  … that humor needs not to be on another person’s expense …. that being honest is the best choice despite the deserved repercussion…

Kids are kids and they have lots to learn about themselves… they aren’t wrong about their initial feelings and neither should we make them wrong for it.  With that said just keep in mind that it takes a positive guiding hand to take full advantage of this situation… and those hands are yours… Can this situation be a lesson about feelings? Violence?  How to problem solve ?  How to talk it out?…maybe laugh it out afterwards?  Where can we bless our children the positive ways of being so that the future will find it’s way up that lonely pace of anger.

How it is handled moving forward determines whether the participation has had particular value. It isn’t who is right or wrong or what was said by who or when “and then and then and then she said this and he said that”….  As parents we can’t get caught up in any of that but rather we must then recognize the face of The Learning Opportunity. Cause we often come eye to eye with it.

Trust the process, while it may look like an ugly beast, it can turn ugly situations into beautiful outcomes… if you let it.

The funny thing about this whole situation is that these kids have been rehearsing together for weeeeeeks for a piece in a talent show that is specifically designed to raise awareness about bullying.

Make it an intention to operate in for the most positive outcome of any situation, make every situation a learning opportunity.  This entry was a great learning opportunity for me…

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